
The Wrap Up – January 22, 2021

Vaccine Update This afternoon, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that the State would run out of COVID-19 vaccines today. At the State’s current vaccine administration rate of 80,000 shots given per day, the remaining 28,246 that it has on hand will be gone by midday. The State expects to be able to begin administering its next round of the federally provided vaccine distribution of 250,400 additional doses next week. The Governor continues to look to the Biden administration for an increased supply [...]

2021-01-25T11:33:30-05:00January 25th, 2021|Budget, COVID-19, New York City, New York State, Wrap Up|

The Wrap Up – January 20, 2021

President Biden Inaugurated Congratulations to newly inaugurated President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and new Vice President Kamala D. Harris, who becomes the first woman, the first Black American and the first person of South Asian descent to hold the vice presidency.  We wish them both well, for everyone’s sake.   Executive Budget Legislation Shortly before midnight last night, the Division of the Budget released this year’s Executive Budget legislation.  We are reviewing hundreds of pages of Budget language and will continue [...]

2021-01-25T11:32:42-05:00January 25th, 2021|Budget, COVID-19, New York State, Wrap Up|

The Wrap Up – January 19, 2021

Executive Budget Announced Today, Governor Andrew Cuomo presented his fiscal year 2022 Executive Budget proposal, one that is heavily reliant on additional federal aid coming through. The proposal is outlined in the Executive Budge Briefing Book, and we expect budget language to be published at some point this evening.   The Governor’s proposal is wrapped around two potential paths forward for the State, both of which are tied to the federal government and the level of state and local aid provided [...]

2021-01-25T11:31:49-05:00January 25th, 2021|Budget, COVID-19, New York State, State of the State, Wrap Up|

The Wrap Up – January 15, 2021

State of the State Briefing Book Released This afternoon, Governor Cuomo formally released his full policy agenda with the 2021 State of the State briefing book. We have been and will continue reaching out to each of you individually with issues of concern, and you can view the press release announcement below as well as the briefing book itself HERE.   Vaccine Distribution Status Today, Governor Cuomo indicated that the State’s positivity rate, which had slowly flattened form the holiday increase, [...]

2021-01-19T15:11:48-05:00January 19th, 2021|Budget, COVID-19, New York State, State of the State, Wrap Up|

The Wrap Up – State of the State – Day Four

State of the State, Day IV This morning, with his fourth and final 2021 State of the State address, Governor Cuomo discussed initiatives to rebuild New York by investing billions into infrastructure improvements throughout the State.  The Governor discussed the following projects during his address:   Midtown West Redevelopment in New York City Replacing the Port Authority Bus Terminal Developing the Empire Station Complex Affordable Housing and Community Restoration New Waterfront Park at Pier 76 Javits Center Expansion Modernizing New York [...]

2021-01-19T14:54:15-05:00January 19th, 2021|Budget, COVID-19, New York City, New York State, State of the State, Wrap Up|

The Wrap Up – State of the State – Day Three

State of the State, Day III This morning, with his third 2021 State of the State address, Governor Cuomo stressed that the State of New York is progressing too slowly towards a Green Economy. The Governor identified four main areas that the State will emphasize as it transitions away from fossil fuels: Identify and build large-scale renewable projects Build New York manufacturing of green technologies Build the renewable energy transmission capacity Workforce Development – create programs to train a green energy [...]

2021-01-19T14:51:54-05:00January 19th, 2021|Budget, COVID-19, New York City, New York State, State of the State, Wrap Up|

The Wrap Up – State of the State – Day Two

Today, during the second of four 2021 State of the State addresses that he will deliver this week, Governor Cuomo announced proposals to reopen New York State safely and support businesses following the COVID-19 pandemic.  The proposals include:   Safely Bringing Back the Arts with Pop-Up Performances and Events Supporting New York Artists Through the Creatives Rebuild Initiative First-in-the-Nation Affordable Internet for All Low-Income Families Partner with New York Businesses to Invest in Workforce Training, Expand Apprenticeships and Mentorships, and Reform [...]

2021-01-13T13:23:13-05:00January 13th, 2021|Budget, COVID-19, New York State, State of the State, Wrap Up|

The Wrap Up – December 23, 2020

State of the State Sneak Peek Governor Cuomo today provided a sneak peek at his upcoming 2021 State of the State program. The Governor is looking at how the State could reopen and stay open safely by widely administering both vaccination and testing programs simultaneously. Additionally, his administration plans to focus on rebuilding the State’s economy as the State races to reopen.   Evictions Moratorium The Governor announced today he also expects to issue an executive order to extend the current moratorium [...]

2021-01-13T13:08:40-05:00January 13th, 2021|Budget, COVID-19, New York State, State of the State, Wrap Up|

2021 NYS Legislative Calendar

Today December 8th, 2020 the New York State Legislature released the 2021 session calendar, attached hereto. Next year will be a full, 60-day session beginning January 6th and concluding the second week of June. The Governor has stated publicly the Capitol will remain closed to the public for the foreseeable future. While we fully expect remote voting for at least the first few months of session, the extent of how legislators themselves will be able or required to engage in person [...]

2020-12-21T12:49:24-05:00December 21st, 2020|Budget, Download, New York State|
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