One is the loneliest number, and when it feels like it’s you against the world, Statewide can help. We’ve helped spearhead and lead some of the largest and most successful issue advocacy coalitions in the State.
Bringing Micro-Mobility to Gotham
Working on behalf of a major tech company, Statewide successfully recruited and ran point on a large coalition to legalize e-bikes and e-scooters, moving highly publicized legislation from concept to passing in both houses in very short time. Subsequently, Statewide led efforts with the Cuomo Administration to make final amendments to the bill to secure gubernatorial approval.
Strengthening Protections for Injured Workers
On behalf of a coalition of professional athlete player’s unions, Statewide negotiated reforms to the State’s worker’s compensation injury impairment guidelines, securing final guidelines entirely to the union’s desired outcome.
Buy American
On behalf of a steel manufacturer, Statewide was instrumental in passing and having Governor Cuomo sign into law “Buy American” legislation, which gives preference to iron and steel manufacturers in State-sponsored construction projects. Working hand-in-hand with labor leaders from across the State, we were able to permanently cement a Buy American preference for iron and steel in State law.